Life is short - very short. We are restricted within a capsule of time that seems to limit our existence. This doesn't seem quite fair. However, if we look closer, we find there is compensation for our small life span. We are given a special tool; infinite choice.
What is infinite choice$%: It is our ability to change ourselves, our environment, and our future at any physical or spiritual age. The door is wide open to every individual's quest or endeavor, provided it is within Universal Law. When we make this discovery, we realize that life is not bound by time or space, but is dependent on Universal Law and infinite choice.
Universal Law is a support system that enables every person to fulfill their dreams. It does not impede or constrain you in any manner, but provides the framework upon which you can achieve your goals. In other words, just by recognizing the power of Universal Law will awaken you to a life of purpose. It encourages exploration and experimentation and rewards you with constant rejuvenation. Infinite choice works within Universal Law - it is the gift that waits to be opened.
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You are a dynamo in a dynamic environment. And because you've experienced failure, you are extremely special. For if you had not fallen off the mountain, tripped over your own shoes, blundered, erred, skidded into a ditch, lost your balance, bungled, stumbled, and staggered your way through many things in life, you wouldn't be afforded the chance to give it all another try. These experiences are all part of infinite choice. No, you did not choose to fail, but you do have the infinite choice to try a second time.
Yes, that's right - the second time around seems to straighten out all those first mishaps, that we humans seem to make quite frequently. It all has to do with how we view our "not getting it right the first time" that determines our second chance.
Many of us just give up - and miss the opportunity to learn. Sometimes humiliation is so damaging that we just can't seem to get over the feeling of disappointment. But for those who give it another try, there is the discovery that, even if we fail, the injury is not nearly as devastating as the first one. In fact, we actually make friends with failure. This is not to say that we should aim to be unsuccessful, but rather we should realize that our short-comings are just temporary, and that if we keep striving for our goals, it is inevitable that we will reap great rewards for our efforts; hence the importance of the second chance.
Let's think about the word "second" for a moment. Of course, there is secondhand, but there is also second nature, second sight, and second thoughts. It seems that the word implies a back-up system for our primary mistakes. In other words, the second attempt is ready to provide us with a challenge as well as a promise. The "second time" might include just a hint of success, along with failure. It is like a soft whisper that has just enough encouragement in it that makes us want to go past the second attempt, to the third, the fourth, and so on -- until we come to true success. We are always rewarded handsomely for exercising infinite choice.
Why does it take so long for us to realize the potential of infinite choice$%: Perhaps we have blind spots in our awareness level, or it could be our stage of evolution$%: We are, after all, quite young in our development. Or perhaps the program of infinite choice doesn't really kick in until after we have recycled through many failures. In other words, the gift is not given without effort.
Failure is a natural part of living. If we had no experience of disappointment or regret, we would have little reason to adjust our living. There would be no need to right a wrong, make amends, correct a mistake, or learn from the past. The world would lose its vibrancy and effervescence, and would soon die from stagnation. The second chance, the second attempt, sits quietly waiting to be utilized. Perhaps this time you will be delighted with an element of surprise and amazement. Success always finds the person who uses infinite choice. As Napoleon Hill stated, "Failure is nature's plan to prepare you for great responsibility."